Category Archives: Uncategorized
Evangelical Disconnection
I woke up this morning wondering why so many “evangelical Christians” think Trump is so great. If Trump had been at the sermon on the mount he would have charged huge prices for the loaves and fishes instead of distributing … Continue reading
Heaven, or Hell on Earth?
How many of us have contemplated the possibility of heaven on earth, and what would that entail? I think we might start with Maslow’s “pyramid of (human) needs”, which begins with food, water, warmth, and rest — then security and … Continue reading
Racism and Crime
If the Republicans in Congress are sincerely intent on reducing crime – especially what they euphemistically call “inner city crime” – they should focus on reducing poverty. The solution is not more cops and more prisons. The solution lies in … Continue reading
See No Evil…
So…we know from Donnie Jr. and other sources that the Russians have a huge financial stake in the family “business,” with Russian oligarchs (crime lords) paying exorbitant prices for apartments and condos in Slimy Towers, and otherwise underwriting and shoring … Continue reading
Limits on Presidential Pardons?
What are the limits on Presidential Pardons? Following Gerald Ford’s infamous preemptive pardon of Nixon the Supreme court cited an 1867 Supreme Court decision during the Andrew Johnson administration which held that presidents have “unlimited” pardoning power. “It extends to … Continue reading
Should the Liar-in-Chief Pardon Everyone in the Russia Probe?
As if our Democracy is not already in enough peril, supporters of the Liar-in-Chief are pushing him to immediately pardon ANYONE whom Mueller indicts. Can you imagine such brazenly criminal use of the Presidential Pardon? It’s one thing for a … Continue reading
Putin’s Success
Politico posted this today. Can you think of anything more “destabilizing” to the US political system than putting a lying, philandering, misogynist, psychopath into the Presidency? I’d say that Putin has achieved a most remarkable victory! “Intelligence officials and experts … Continue reading
Today’s White House Lies 021818
Of all the infuriating lies the Orange Slime has come out with (at the rate of about 6 per day), two told in the aftermath of the Florida High School massacre stand out as particularly obnoxious. First he blames the … Continue reading
Download “Promised Land” for only $3.99
$3.99 or $0.39 per track for Promised Land? I need my friends to help me with an experiment. With so much free and pirated music on the web these days I thought that $.39 for a download or $3.99 for … Continue reading
Excellent Video of “When We Were Dreaming”
I performed at a benefit for Veterans’ mental healthcare on Saturday (9/8/12) in Lewiston, and my friend Brian Patricks arranged for the video camera to be running. I don’t know who was actually behind the camera, but the video and … Continue reading